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09/21 Green Fashion Fair Berlin

Sep 12, 19:17 by Ivonne Dippmann

Green Fashion Fair Berlin – behind the scenes at Haus Ungarn
This summer Green Fashion Fair Berlin has celebrated its debut at Haus Ungarn, September 10th – 12th and on the occasion I took some images behind-the-scenes. Perceiving fairs of any kind as exhausting experience, the warm and historic atmosphere of Haus Ungarn as well as the selection of brands displayed were worth the hustle. Besides events, shows or workshops emphasizing on a sustainable mindset, Green Fashion Fair Berlin also hosted a pop-up store that invited customers to take a rest in our sofa corner. Creating this friendly space I had the opportunity to have profound and in-depth conversations as well.

Green Fashion Fair Berlin – Pop Up Store, bag LANIUS, shoes Paul Kadjo, jumpers Thoas Lindner, dresses Skarabis

Sustainability is not limited to the discussion of humans claiming resources worldwide, furthermore it generates a mindset of how one profoundly understands the energy invested in every step of the production process in order to have a product available and manufactured. And not just that! It also brings into mind how you as a resource yourself communicate and navigate in the world. We don’t need more fashion designer or items being produced, instead we need individuals that create consciousness and political awareness far beyond production. By pushing education in the field of ethics and values, we are enabled to create content and ideas that channel a human friendly mindset that is communicated clearly in our everyday life.

Through modernism, history and time itself became dynamic forces that lead to a lifestyle which is unstable and accelerates continuously. Structure itself became a rare resource, meaning that one has to re-evaluate and re-consider a situation proportionally to its circumstances at all times. Having that in mind, I was very happy to find space and time having few conversations that literally touched someone and resonated within. Lets see what comes around!

© Ivonne Dippmann

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08/21 Group, Direkte Auktion

Aug 29, 10:27 by Ivonne Dippmann

These two paintings are available at Direkte Auktion Berlin. The auction of the chapter THE NEXT BLACK will take place on Saturday, September 4th at Bazon Brock’s EX-DENKEREI in Berlin Kreuzberg. The accompanying preview opens on August 31st at gallery Die Ganze Freiheit. THE NEXT BLACK is curated by Raban Ruddigkeit and Anna-Maria Wagner.

In addition to the original artwork a luxury edition of two knitted jumpers will be auctioned as well.

Die Ganze Freiheit
Greifswalder Straße 218
10405 Berlin

31.8. – 04.9.2021
Tue – Fr: 15 – 18 Uhr
Sa: 12 – 15 Uhr

ARTISTS IN THE EXHIBITION: Hans Aichinger, Daniel Arab, Tomaso Baldessarini, Christopher Bauder, Ben de Biel, Birte Bosse, Yvon Chabrowski, Ivonne Dippmann, Andrej Golder, Lars Harmsen, Moshtari Hilal, Boris Hoppek, Anna Kolod, Eike König (Abb.), Mario Lombardo, Anna Nezhnaya, Esther Perbandt, Tula Plumi, ME Raabenstein, Nadine Schemmann, Chris Tille, Ralf Ziervogel.

Everytime I recall I pull my nose – 2/6 paintings, ink on paper, 106 × 86 cm (framed), Berlin 2019, private collection

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07/21 Textiles, Every time I recall

Aug 26, 10:16 by Ivonne Dippmann

Every time I recall I pull my nose – Luxury knitwear edition, 100 % cotton, 3-color-jacquard (black, white and sulphur), wearable inside-out and back-to-front, one size, unisex, produced in Saxony. Manufacture on demand, available in our Online Shop.


Black over White
EUR 980

Luxury knitwear edition, location Juliwerk Berlin © photography Esra Rotthoff

„For me, surfaces of any kind can be shaped and addressed. The challenge in working with them is to understand the material and to establish a connection. Thus, as in this work, a small graphic can be transformed into an independent large-format ink drawing or even into a high-quality knitted edition. Precisely these transitions between media and materials are of interest to me, because that’s where creativity takes place.“

Luxury knitwear edition, location Juliwerk Berlin © photography Ivonne Dippmann

„Er ist in seiner Bestimmung ein Wanderer, ist an Ort und Stelle gebannt, nicht abgeholt wie ein Paket in einem verlassenem Bahnhofswinkel, ist historisch gesehen weniger geliebt, ist ein Herumtreiber, fährt zur See, ist auf wundersame Weise feminisiert, hat sich früh an die Abwesenheit gewöhnt, ist kein anderer als der Vergessene, geht auswärts arbeiten, sitzt am Onimbusbahnhof der Linie 24, ist anwesend als Angesprochener, ist zwischen zwei Zeitformen eingekeilt, die der Referenz und die der Anrede, ist ein unverfälschtes Stück Angst, verwandelt die Abfolge der Zeit in ein Hin und Her, nimmt die Trauer auf sich ohne zu weinen, willigt ein den Anderen zu verlassen, ist die Figur der Entbehrung, wird von Gott eingeladen, nimmt allein in einem Café platz, hat die Arme zum Himmel erhoben, beruft sich auf die Wahrheit, ist für meine Weltverfallenheit verantwortlich, entreißt sich der sozialen Selbstgefälligkeit, ist gleichsam der Nullpunkt aller Orte, geht nicht nur in eine Richtung, lässt Verwirrung an seine Stelle treten, lässt uns sehen, vergisst die Geschichte, die Arbeit, das Geld, ist eine Erinnerung woran?…“

Auszug Liebeslied Chemnitz Tel Aviv © Text Ivonne Dippmann, 2019

buy now  

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01/21 Painting, Schwimmen

Jan 1, 16:44 by Ivonne Dippmann

Ivonne Dippmann WV 2021 001 – 040

SCHWIMMEN Erspare mir, was ich erdulden musste! (Save me from what I had to go through!) – 40 unique metal objects, 12 × 12 cm, hangable, acrylic and ink, unique signed, Berlin, Chemnitz

LOVER Regular Edition

EUR 2.500,00

SCHWIMMEN, Lover – 01/40 objects


– S . C . H . W . I . M . M . E . N. –


THE PREMIUM EDITION includes a wooden casket, custom made in Berlin. Each casket is crafted with a different type of wood and therefore unique due to its distinctive finish.

GRACE Premium Edition

EUR 3.200,00

SCHWIMMEN, Grace – 02/40 objects

ATLANTER Premium Edition

EUR 3.200,00

SCHWIMMEN, Atlanter 01 – 03/40 objects


– S . C . H . W . I . M . M . E . N. –



Feiner Regen, Grillen und Zikaden, eine Kiefer kippt nach links aus dem Fenster. Ruhe, ach diese unendliche Ruhe. Ich bin allein, um genau zu sein, allein im Wald, nahe einem See mit Steg für Vereinsmitglieder vom ureingesessenen Angelverein. Auf dem Steg steht eine blaue Bank, die ich nunmehr täglich mit meinem aufblasbaren Kajak anfahre. Ich bin hier zu Gast. Meine Gastgeberin ist eine wuschelige Katze und ständiger Begleiter. Mit See ums Eck, gehe ich zweimal täglich schwimmen. Früh morgens begrüße ich die Welt mit einem freudigem „Hallo“ und kurz vor Sonnenuntergang beende ich den Tag mit einem Gute-Nacht-Gruß an die verflossenen Ahnen im Äther. Heute nun war ein besonderer Tag, denn es hat geregnet. Der Himmel hatte sich klein gemacht, die Wolken hinken schwer am Horizont. Ich war allein im Wasser, in der Ferne donnerte es. Nun, man sollte sein Glück nicht herausfordern, womit sich mein Badespaß verkürzte. Am Ufer tummelten sich wenige Personen, die mit farbigen Reifen und Ähnlichem jongliertem. Auch sie trotzten dem Regen und waren hier wie auch ich. Auch die Hauskatze hat seit heute einen neuen Lieblingsplatz; bei geöffnetem Fenster, auf der Fensterbank, mit Blick auf Buddha im Garten. Wenn ich eine Katze wäre, würde ich auch dort liegen. Der Ausblick ist irgendwie romantisch. Man schaut direkt in den Kiefernwald gen Sonnenuntergang. Der Regen wird allmählich leiser, die Kerze neigt sich ihrem Ende, wie auch dieser wunderschöne Tag.

Auszug Schwimmen © Text Ivonne Dippmann, 2021

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07/20 Design, BeiStand

Jul 31, 08:19 by Ivonne Dippmann

BeiStand ist ein modulares, steckbares Tischsystem, das aus zwei identischen geometrischen Metallkörpern besteht, die durch eine gefräste Tischplatte verbunden sind. Es ist möglich, zwei Tische aus einem zu erstellen. Dieses Modell ist variabel in der Holzart und den Abmessungen oder der Oberflächenbehandlung. Die Lieferzeiten betragen 6 – 12 Wochen, dieses Objekt wird individuell vor Ort in Berlin gefertigt.

BeiStand is a modular pluggable table system consisting of two identically geometric metal bodies connected by a milled table top. It is possible to create two tables from one. This model is variable in the type of wood and dimensions or surface treatment. Delivery times are 6 – 12 weeks, this object is individually manufactured locally in Berlin.  

EUR 3500 plus shipping

© 2021 Studio Ivonne Dippmann, all rights reserved

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10/19 Collage, Autumn was over

Jul 1, 10:02 by Ivonne Dippmann

Autumn was over – 1/12, paper collage, spraypaint, acrylic on paper, 29,7 cm x 42,0 cm

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03/19 Textiles, FD sweater

Mär 20, 12:59 by Ivonne Dippmann

Ivonne Dippmann WV 2019 110 – 199

thekidswantcommunism – an art project produced in Chemnitz and Tel Aviv by FriedrichDippmann

YaelBenjamin, five available as a high-neck version, unisex, wearable inside-out / SarahYotam, low-neck, unisex, wearable inside-out & back-to-front, Chemnitz 2018

FriedrichDippmann is a Berlin-based collaborative between two artists – Agnes Friedrich and Ivonne Dippmann. Starting off with a fashion- and textile feature on Dippmanns ongoing artbook-production Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv in 2016, FriedrichDippmann initiated a textile-based project under the catchy title thekidswantcommunism. Its core and theme have been inspired by a conference on communism at CCA, Tel Aviv as part of the exhibition The Kids Want Communism at MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam curated by Joshua Simon.

YaelBenjamin, prototype, high-neck version, unisex, wearable inside-out. The low-neck version is also available as high-neck (5 sweaters), whereas the design is identical on both sides. / © Goni Riskin for koma6, Tel Aviv 2017

Within the process of Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv, FriedrichDippmann launched a textile collaboration that created a dialogue between Tel Aviv and Chemnitz. We combined the title of Joshuas exhibition with the iconography of the Karl Marx bust in Chemnitz. With a somehow ‘romantic view’ on communism we created various patterns, limited to a four colour system, that were translated into knitwear technology. Together with the Professorship of Textile Technologies at TU Chemnitz and maximo-Strickmoden we designed and manufactured a first series of twelve individual knitted sweaters. As part of the artbook we documented these prototypes in Tel Aviv and featured twelve friends along with their individual stories at their favourite place-to-be. I interviewed friends and colleagues who I embrace for their vision, mindfulness and ability to share their life and ideas with others. Their individual choice to live in Israel is a crucial aspect and influence for their way of life and vision. The interviews and images will be published along with a short introduction by Tal Gafny and myself as heart and center piece of the book.

MichelleTimothy, low-neck, unisex, wearable inside-out & back-to-front, Chemnitz 2018

SarahYotam, high-neck, unisex, wearable inside-out, Chemnitz 2018

thekidswantcommunism underlines the fragility of ones identity in a society based on a multi-cultural approach in a Jewish nation-state. Moreso reminding us to keep values such as a equity or tolerance at heart. The different design-titles carry the names of those friends and colleagues that jumped into the first prototypes and trusted us to share and talk about their lifes. Thank you Anna Pakosz, Michael Tesfay, Benjamin Mecz, Yaniv Shapira, Gregory Abou, Michelle Medenblik, Gil Karniel, Yotam Mahler, Timothy Crosland, Stacy Goltsev, Yael Tabitha Parker and Sarah Reifschneider.

MichelleTimothy, high-neck, unisex, wearable inside-out, Chemnitz 2018

field trip at Negev desert / prototype SarahYotam, thank you Sharon Esther at DVISION Studio, Tel Aviv 2017

The motivating feedback during Tel Aviv-production inspired us to come up with an upgraded, high-end version as limited edition – that is now up for sale (sweater 365 Euro, beanie 65 Euro). The edition of eighty sweaters has been produced together with the professorship of textile technologies TU Chemnitz, maximo-Strickmoden and Strickchic in Apolda. It was of importance to us that thekidswantcommunism is locally produced, supporting the spirit of Chemnitz and its former industry that has been ‘heart’ of textile production in Saxony, Germany in the past century. maximo-Strickmoden (former VEB* Polar), a family-run company since 1898, is the only company that survived the transition from socialism to capitalism in Chemnitz after reunification.

We wish for each item to find their proper owner and partner in crime. All interviews and images produced in Tel Aviv in autumn 2017 will be published as part of Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv this year. The process of both projects is documented under #liebesliedtlvc #lltlvc or #thekidswantcommunism #tkwc. (The release of the publication has been delayed several times due to the enormous work involved in production and editing.)

*VEB: nationally owned company

StacyYaniv, high-neck, unisex, wearable inside-out, Chemnitz 2018

Rechts abbiegen,
Vogel auf der Leiter,
Spiegel auf dem Tisch,
Kartoffelsalat und Wiener.
Im Winter werden die Wege hier nicht gestreut.
Eine Laus läuft über den Freitag,
in meiner unmittelbaren Nähe
auf dem Spitzboden
die Leiter hoch.
Ich schaue in die Wolken.
In eben dieser Sekunde
hackt ein Specht,
euphorisch und siegessicher,
lautstark in die Baumrinde
meines Nachbars Eichen.
Da denke ich mir
wie Recht er hat;
er scheint zu wissen, was er da tut.
Ich gehe nach unten,
schüttel die Betten auf
und sehne mich nach Sonne und Meer.
– Überhaupt
scheint das Sehnen fester Bestandteil meines Charakters zu sein.
Wohin denn sich-sehnen?
Ins heute, ins gestern, ins morgen,
nach jemandem, zu jemandem, in sich hinein?
Ein Zug fährt vorbei,
mit Maschinerie,
denn es ist bereits dunkel.
Nun gut, schieben wir diese Gedanken –


Bedeckter Himmel, zwei Wolken auf dem Tisch 1/20 texts for Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv, Ivonne Dippmann 2016 – 2019

StacyYaniv, high-neck, unisex, wearable inside-out & back-to-front, Chemnitz 2018

We’d like to say thank you to everyone who has been involved and supported this project, especially to our partners, models and Joshua Simon who invited this project as part of the closing event of The Kids Want Communism at MoBY Museums in November 2017. There we presented the first edition as performance piece.

For more details and orders, please visit: www.friedrichdippmann.com. Follow us on Insta or Facebook to stay posted about upcoming projects and some behind-the-scenes in Tel Aviv and Chemnitz.

© Photography: Studio Ivonne Dippmann, Alex Winton, Goni Riskin & FriedrichDippmann

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03/19 Textiles, FD beanies

Mär 19, 22:00 by Ivonne Dippmann

Ivonne Dippmann WV 2019 200 – 234

thekidswantcommunism – an art project produced in Chemnitz and Tel Aviv by FriedrichDippmann

SarahYotam, edition of twelve beanies, one size, one of a kind, 65 Euro. This colour version is not available as sweater.

FriedrichDippmann is a Berlin-based collaborative between two artists – Agnes Friedrich and Ivonne Dippmann. Starting off with a fashion- and textile feature on Dippmanns ongoing artbook-production Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv in 2016, FriedrichDippmann initiated the textile-based project thekidswantcommunism. Its core and theme have been inspired by a conference on communism at CCA, Tel Aviv as part of the exhibition The Kids Want Communism at MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam curated by Joshua Simon.

‘Love is a way of being. Presence, observation and approval are the key components of love.‘
— A. Pakosz, #liebesliedtlvc #thekidswantcommunism

Within the process of Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv, FriedrichDippmann launched a textile collaboration that created a dialogue between Tel Aviv and Chemnitz. Based on The Kids Want Communism at MoBY Museums and the iconography of the Karl Marx bust in Chemnitz we created various patterns, limited to a four colour system that were translated into knitwear technology. Together with the professorship of textile technologies at TU Chemnitz and maximo-Strickmoden we designed and manufactured a first series of twelve individual knitted sweaters and a limited beanie edition.

Beanie and sweater YaelBenjamin, low-neck and high-neck, unisex, wearable inside-out, © Tomaso Baldessarini, Naumannpark Berlin 2019

We wish for each item to find their proper owner and partner in crime. All interviews and images produced in Tel Aviv in autumn 2017 will be published as part of Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv this year. The process of both projects is documented under #liebesliedtlvc #lltlvc or #thekidswantcommunism #tkwc. (The release of the publication has been delayed several times due to the enormous work involved in production and editing.)

Beanie and sweater SarahYotam, unisex, one size, low-neck sweater / poncho by FriedrichDippmann, one of a kind, Berlin 2018

We’d like to say thank you to everyone who has been involved and supported this project, especially to our partners, models and Joshua Simon who invited this project as part of the closing event of The Kids Want Communism at MoBY Museums in November 2017. There we presented the first edition as performance piece.

For more details and orders, please visit: www.friedrichdippmann.com. Follow us on Insta or Facebook to stay posted about upcoming projects and some behind-the-scenes in Tel Aviv and Chemnitz.

© Photography: Studio Ivonne Dippmann, Tomaso Baldessarini & FriedrichDippmann

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03/19 Photography, Gewinner

Mär 10, 21:51 by Ivonne Dippmann

Ivonne Dippmann WV 2019 – Molly Morgan Founder of Maria Morgana and co-founder of Ade Velkon, Berlin-based

Studio and Store Ade Velkon, Potsdamer St, Berlin 2019

Gewinner is an ongoing documentary project in Germany and Israel since 2016. It documents and follows friends and colleagues behind-the-scenes in both countries. Its aim is to show their personal space in combination with their work they have been creating and developing over the years. Gewinner was originally part of the artbook-project #liebesliedtlvc and developed into an independent series of black-and-white portraits.

© Ivonne Dippmann

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03/19 Textiles, Germens

Mär 8, 19:07 by Ivonne Dippmann

Ivonne Dippmann WV 2019 – 250, 251

Verflossener Zement (in grau-beige) is a textile-based collaboration between Studio Ivonne Dippmann and Germens Store & Lounge, founded by René König in Limbach Oberfrohna, Chemnitz.

Verflossener Zement is shirt of the month April 2019, limited to 99 pieces. The fabrics are jacquard woven in Lusatia, printed and highly refined in Saxony. Each shirt is manufactured individually with greatest care and impresses with its unusual surface, fine workmanship, details and durability.

You can order this leisure shirt online. If it is in stock, you will receive it within a few days with DHL delivered. If your desired size is not in stock it will be made for you. This takes approx. 10 weeks from the respective order date (3 x per year).

188,00 € (incl. 19% VAT & shipping)

Ivonne Dippmann WV 2019 – 250 Verflossener Zement, cut-out, ink, acrylic, spray paint on canvas, Berlin 2015 – 2019.

Verflossener Zement in grau-beige is based on an artwork presented at a solo exhibition Air, GfjK in Baden-Baden in 2015. Verflossener Zement is part of a large-scale canvas that I have been using like a mat in my studio for the past three years. The edition will be launched in May and is available at Germens Store & Lounge. The price will be 228 € each. All items are being shipped internationally.

Ivonne Dippmann WV 2019 – 251
Mockup of Verflossener Zement in grau-beige, triptych, acrylic, gouache, ink, spray paint on canvas, 2,90 × 4,20 m, Berlin 2015, © Photography: Michael Belogour, Ivonne Dippmann – solo exhibition Air, GfjK Baden-Baden 2015

© Photography: Studio Ivonne Dippmann

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