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01/19 Artbook, #LLTLVC

Jan 1, 21:35 by Ivonne Dippmann

Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv

שיר אהבה

A monography by Ivonne Dippmann (2016 – 2022), layout and design Klute Agency, 23 × 30 cm, hardcover, half-linen, 444 pages, approx. 340 colour and b/w images, in German and English), with a patch produced by Onkel Stitch, Chemnitz, regular edition of 1000 books, collectors edition of 81 books with an original artwork, price regular edition: 69 Euro, collectors edition: 444 Euro

A personal tribute to two very unique towns – Chemnitz and Tel Aviv. One book, 2 cities, 444 pages, 143 portraits, 157 sites, 14 interviews, 62 designer, 40 texts and short stories, poetry, architecture and hidden monuments. I have prepared 5 donation packages if you like to financially support this project.

Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel AvivJ’ai envie de dire je t’aime © cover photography Michal Chelbin

Denn wir biegen und brechen die Zeit.
— mit einer Einführung von Ivonne Dippmann

Wenn eine Künstlerin eine Biografie wie Ivonne Dippmann hat, geboren 1981 in Karl-Marx-Stadt, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin und Tel Aviv, liegt es nahe ihr Werk vor dem Hintergrund sich verändernder Umgebungen verstehen zu wollen. Die Kunst als Konstante für die Erfahrungen eines diskontinuierlichen Lebens bildet den Ausgangspunkt dieser Widmung an zwei Städte, die Heimat und Anker ihrer Arbeit sind: Tel Aviv und Chemnitz. Liebeslied versteht sich als Kontrapunkt des ewigen Anrennens gegen die Welt. Es nimmt Momente unter die Lupe, in denen Bewegungen in Stillstand umschlagen, stete Veränderung etwas Ewigkeit erfährt, Erinnerungen Menschen zugeschrieben werden und man fühlbar tiefgreifend verharrt. Es hält jener Lage einen Spiegel vor Augen, in der die eigene Vergangenheit punktuell das gängige Selbstverständnis zur Welt aushebelt – eben dann, wenn wir im Rückblick einen Abgleich zu uns selbst suchen. Liebeslied beschäftigt sich mit jenen Episoden und Gebieten, die erahnen lassen, was uns unentwegt antreibt und auch zutiefst erschüttern kann. Tel Aviv hierbei als rasanter Herzschlag des Westens und Chemnitz als Dornröschen, das langsam und stet aus ihrem Tiefschlaf gerüttelt wird. Doch worüber dieses Buch schlussendlich spricht, ist Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit – mit Menschen, die eigensinnig und beherzt beiden Städten ihren Zauber und Nachdruck verleihen; hervorpreschend und schrill wie auch sacht und geheimnisvoll.

I did it all with love, first prototype of a patch that will be included as insert to the book. The patches are produced by Onkel Stitch Chemnitz, founded by Guido Günther.

For we bend and break time.
— with an introduction by Ivonne Dippmann When an artist has lived in places as far-flung as Ivonne Dippmann has (b. Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1981; lives and works in Berlin and Tel Aviv), it makes obvious sense to read her work in light of these changing environments. Art as a constant in the experiences of an itinerant life – that is the starting point of this homage to two cities that are home to and anchors of her work: Tel Aviv and Chemnitz. Liebeslied (Love Song) intends to mark a counterpoint to the endless wrestling with the world. It magnifies moments in which movement comes to a stop, constant change turns into eternity, memories connect people, and we pause in heartfelt silence. Liebeslied brings episodes and places into focus in which we receive intimations of what keeps us going, but can also shake us to the core. Tel Aviv, the frantic pulse of the West, and Chemnitz, the Sleeping Beauty of the East, slowly being aroused from her slumber. This book is ultimately about friendship and collaboration – about the strong-willed and courageous people who fill the two cities with charm and drive; striking and shrill as well as gentle and mysterious.

Für Chemnitz — a poem by Hannelore Berthold / For we bend and break time — an introduction by Ivonne Dippmann (1/4 pages, Tel Aviv part)

Tel Aviv

With a poem by Ron Winkler — Path 53, a poem by Roy Chicky AradCast Steel Cadaver: The Poem of the Dead Escalator and a text by Roy Brand — Growing up Bauhaus

Double spread, text by Roy Brand — Growing up Bauhaus, © photography Michelle Medenblik, Tel Aviv 2018

lltlvc chapter 01 — We are many Curated by Tanja Rochow and Ivonne Dippmann in collaboration with Philipp Gladsome

We are many features 74 creative people from Tel Aviv and surroundings which are/have been active and outstanding in different fields of expertise. Chosen are colleagues that we got to know over the past ten years, creatives that have been recommended to us and all of those who emphasise in dialogue, good spirits and collaborative work.

With an interview by Tanja Rochow with Asaf Weitzen and Sulaiman Khatib (CEO Combatants for Peace) — There is no realistic visionary
and a short interview with Raphael Zagury-Orly — My craziest faith

Liebeslied — We are many with Amos Schocken, Minus One Galleery, Haaretz Collection / Anna Kopito, Kikar Levana / Yehudit Sassportas, Studio Eilat Street / Itamar Kastielle, Yaffo Port / Orit Ahviv, Studio Harakevet / David Schocken, 13 Nitsana Street © photography Philipp Gladsome

with: Rotem Bar-Or, Osnat Elkabir, Zac Hacmon, Yehezkel Lazarov, Assaf Salhov, Olaf Kuhnemann, Amos Gitai, Amos Schocken, Yankalle Filtser, Addam Yekutieli, Meir Cohen, Yair Biran, Omri Barel, Monique Harel, Shimon Kabili, Anna Mirkin, Marcelle Klein, Omer Krieger, Asaf Weizen, Sulaiman Khatib, Amir Glick, Orit Ahviv, Amnon Ron, Joshua Simon, Josef, Shlomo Sharon, Dan Basman, Arnon Naor, Galia Malatesta, Itamar Kastiel, Dekel Hevroni, Cordelia Lange, Ofer Shahar, Ilana Goor, Zohar Gotesmann, Shirlee Harel, Dr. Verma, Chaim Gavish, Itzik, Shai Azoulay, Roee Rosen, David Ginton, Oran Hoffmann, Sharon Luzon, Luca Lombardi, Yehudit Sassportas, Naomi Maaravi, Ariel Reichman, Dari Schechter, Lihi Turjeman, Chen Alon, Eli Lior, Eli Petel, Anna Kopito, Daniel Dor, Efrat Shahar Goldenfish, Nimrod Kaplan, Lance Hunter, Roy Chicky Arad, Hed Meyner, David Schocken, Tzlil Danin, Adi Ulmanski, Ailon Gavish, Alex Fridman, Heela Harel, Raphael Zagury-Orly, Marita Wlodawski, Shai Sheaffer

Double spreads — We are many with Philipp Gladsome and Tanja Rochow, Tel Aviv 2016-2018 (Luca Lombardi at Perez Center for Peace, Arnon Naor at beachfront Jaffa port, Efrat Shahar Kaplan at home, Nimi Kaplan at Albert Cafe, Tzlil Danin at Rabi Khanina St, Jaffa, Ilana Goor at her rooftop garden at home.

lltlvc chapter 02 — Do not break Series of black and white images, Tel Aviv © photography Ivonne Dippmann, Tel Aviv 2016-2018 With an introduction by Luca Lombardi — Why Israel and an interview by Ivonne Dippmann with Hanan Tal, Lohetzi (disabled – not half a person) — People who drive in the left lane actually want to get somewhere

Anna, Friday, 10 February 2017 9:27 pm / Anna, Friday, 17 February 2017 8:45 pm / Allenby Ranch, Tuesday 4 April 2017, 8:21:34 pm / Pinto, Saturday, 25 March 2017, 6:26:58 pm

Double spreads, Do not break with texts and images by Ivonne Dippmann, Tel Aviv 2016-2018

lltlvc chapter 03 — Nothing will happen if you sleep in jeans

With an interview by Ivonne Dippmann with Keren Gasner and Ron Grundland for Gottex swimwear — I prefer to have less but timeless things

Nothing will happen if you sleep in jeans! features around 30 local design & fashion labels which work in between architecture, sculpture, fashion and design. Pushing on an experimental approach those creations will be put into scene in places of inspiration and personal significance. In collaboration with Hila Shayer & Haya Vider, Sascha Prilutsky for Dvision & Christina Belle Dickens, Avi Noo & Maya Lebovitch, Anna Mirkin & Tal Givony, Ivonne Dippmann & Tal Givony & Tal Givony

Double spreads, short texts, collages and photographs — Nothing will happen if you sleep in jeans in collaboration with Sascha Prilutsky, Dvision & Christina Belle Dickens, Hila Shayer & Haya Vider, Avi Noo & Maya Lebovitch, Ivonne Dippmann & Tal Givony


With a poem by Hannelore Berthold — Für Chemnitz, a text by Jan Kuhlbrodt — Das Aquarium and a text by Burkhardt Müller — Ankor in Chemnitz – Das unsichtbare Monument in der Brückenstraße

Double spread, text by Burkhardt Müller — Ankor in Chemnitz – Das unsichtbare Monument in der Brückenstraße, © photography Ivonne Dippmann, Chemnitz 2017

lltlvc chapter 01 — Dem Gesicht einen Schritt voraus (ahead of the curve)

In collaboration with Yvonne Preibisch, Konzert- und Kulturproduktionen GmbH and Philipp Gladsome

With an interview by Ivonne Dippmann with Karl Clauss Dietel & Hartwig Albiro — Ich lasse keine Partei der Welt ungeprüft an mein Gewissen and a short text by Ruth Petrovitsch — Love gives life meaning

Dem Gesicht einen Schritt voraus features 69 people from Chemnitz which are / have been active and outstanding in different fields of expertise. The people featured were curated by Yvonne, Philipp and myself as well as chosen by recommendation. Each person who was already part of the project could recommend someone else. Like in Tel Aviv, everyone could choose to be photographed at their favourite place-to-be.

Liebeslied — Dem Gesicht einen Schritt voraus with Dr. Ingrid Mössinger, 100 m Freibad Bernsdorf / Barbara Ludwig, Sitzungssaal Rathaus Chemnitz / Ronald Saupe, Parkhaus Innenstadt / Beate Düber, Garten hinterm Haus / Markus Wolf, Golfplatz Chemnitz Klaffenbach © photography Philipp Gladsome / Piet Weidner, im Wald / Tukayana Paulo-König, Fahrzeuglampenfabrik Riemann, Sonnenberg © photography Ivonne Dippmann

Making of Liebeslied Chemnitz — Dem Gesicht einen Schritt voraus with Philipp Gladsome (photography) with Ronald Saupe, Parkdeck Innenstadt Chemnitz / Steffen Volmer, Atelier Kassberg, shooting part 2 Chemnitz, 08/09.2016, © photography Ivonne Dippmann

with: Steffan Claußner, Beate Düber, Jan Kummer, Lars Fassmann, Hanna Siebenborn, Ingo Scheller, Matthias Doehler, Felix Schubert, Anke Neumann, Hartmut Schill, Ingrid Mössinger, Mandy Knospe, Hartmut Koch, Nicer, Steffen Volmer, Kathrin Uhlig, Robert Reinhold, Wolfgang Gebhardt, Heda Bayer, Markus Wolf, Erika Habort, Ralf Glaser, Olaf Held, Carsten Knödler, Hartwig Albiro, Andreas Winkler, Ruth Petrovitsch, Guido Günther, Hilmer Messenbrink, Familie Oelschläger, Dieter Wuschanski, Curly, Barry Sloan, Ronald Saupe, Bettina Haller, Naser Hashemi, Rene Kästner, Stephan Scholz, Philipp Weiser, Robert Schuster, Tukayana Paolo König, Piet Weidner, Christoph + Johannes Weiser, Alexander Seybt, René König, Holger Cebulla, Ulf Kallscheidt, Sabrina Sadowska, Karl Clauss Dietel, Michael Morgner, Barbara Ludwig, Alke Schmidt, Beate Kunath, Veronica Seidel, Frank Maibier & Gregor Torsten Kozik, Justin Sonder, Gabi Frehse, Falk Klemm, Michael Meier, Andreas von Bismarck, Andreas Glauch, Olaf Bender, Anja Richter, Andreas Degen, Felix Brummer

Double spreads — Dem Gesicht einen Schritt voraus with Philipp Gladsome and Yvonne preibisch, Chemnitz 2016-2018 (Yvonne Preibisch at home, Felix Schubert at rooftop Weltecho, Robert Reinhold at Südbahnhof, Beate Kunath in a cornfield in Stelzendorf, Olaf Held at Clubkino Siegmar)

lltlvc chapter 02 — Bedeckter Himmel, zwei Welten auf dem Tisch (cloudy sky, two worlds on the table) Bedeckter Himmel, zwei Welten auf dem Tisch — a series of black-and-white images and short texts by Ivonne Dippmann, Chemnitz – der Ort — an introduction by Beate Düber and Man hat’s nicht leicht auf dieser Welt — a text by Christian Dippmann

Sunday, 11/06/17, 6:23:33 pm / Wednesday, 10/05/17, 11:08:57 am / Tuesday, 09/05/17, 11:56:49 pm / Sunday, 04/06/17, 6:17:32 pm / Sunday, 04/06/17, 6:33:44 pm

Double spreads — Bedeckter Himmel, zwei Welten auf dem Tisch, images and short texts by Ivonne Dippmann

lltlvc chapter 03 — Hey Ivonne, alles gut bei dir? (hey Ivonne, everything alright?)

With an interview by Ivonne Dippmann with Thomas Merk and Thomas Wünscher for maximo Strickmoden Bruno Barthel GmbH & Co. KG — I always preferred music but textiles preferred me

In cooperation with Agnes Friedrich and Christoph Neumann, produced in Chemnitz

Liebeslied Chemnitz — Hey Ivonne, alles gut bei dir? with Agnes Friedrich and Christoph Neumann, shooting part 2 Chemnitz: my grandparents house, Karl-Marx-bust, AJZ, TU Chemnitz (faculty of textile technologies), Diamant bycicle factory, Clubkino Siegmar © photography Christoph Neumann

09.06.2016 Rabensteiner Wald, Viadukt Rabenstein, Clubkino Siegmar, Kulturpalast Siegmar / 10.06.2016, 8. Mai, Elite Diamant, Stausee Rabenstein, Felsendome Rabenstein, Elternhaus, Haus Grosseltern / 11.06.2016 AJZ, Karl-Marx-Kopf, Stadtbad Chemnitz / 25.09.2016 Brauerei Reichenbrand, Totensteinturm, Sportforum, Andre Gymnasium / 26.09.2016 Grundschule Reichenbrand, Eissporthalle, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, SMAC, Wanderer Werke / 27.09.2016 BrockmannKnoedler, Theaterplatz, Strickerei TU-Chemnitz

Making of — Hey Ivonne, alles gut bei dir? 8. Mai / SWM Chemnitz, Diamant Fahrradwerke Siegmar, Stausee Rabenstein, 10./11.06.2016, styling Agnes Friedrich, © photography Christoph Neumann

Designer Anderne, Calzedonia, Felix Doll, Herr von Eden, Blank Etiquette, Ambra Fiorenza, GLAW, Thomas Hanisch, Intimissimi, Isabell de Hillerin, Kazar, Tim Labenda, Lala Berlin, Thoas Lindner, Muntstock, Mykita & Bernhard Willhelm, Friedrich Neumann, Marcel Ostertag, Sibilla Pavenstedt, Stein Rohner, Tata Christiane, Augustin Teboul, Dawid Tomaszewski, Trippen, VAVA eyewear, made auf Veddel, Veja, Henrik Vibskov, Claudia Vitali, Isabel Vollrath, Julian Zigerli, ZL by Zlism


by FriedrichDippmann Chemnitz – Tel Aviv, 2017 – 2019

With an introduction — thekidswantcommunism by Tal Gafny and Ivonne Dippmann and 12 interviews with Gil Karniel, Benjamin Mecz, Anna Pakosz, Yotam Mahler, Stacy Goltsev, Michelle Medenblick, Yaniv Shapira, Michael Tesfay, Timothy Crosland, Yael Tabitha Parker, Gregory Abou and Sarah Reifschneider.

Born from rock © photography Goni Riskin for www.koma6.com, installation: Shay-lee Uziel, model: Yocheved Ochayon, Tel Aviv 2017 / double spread — text thekidswantcommunism by Tal Gafny

FriedrichDippmann is a Berlin-based collaborative between Agnes Friedrich and Ivonne Dippmann. Under FriedrichDippmann we initiated a textile-based project under the catchy title thekidswantcommunism. Its core and theme have been inspired by a conference on communism at CCA, Tel Aviv as part of the exhibition The Kids Want Communism at MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam curated by Joshua Simon.

Together with the professorship of textile technologies at TU Chemnitz and maximo-Strickmoden we designed and manufactured a first series of twelve individual knitted sweaters. As part of the artbook we documented these prototypes in Tel Aviv and featured twelve friends along with their individual stories at their favourite place-to-be. We interviewed friends and colleagues who I embrace for their vision, mindfulness and ability to share their life and ideas with others. Their individual choice to live in Israel is crucial aspect and influence for their way of life and creating their vision. The interviews and images, along with a short introduction by Tal Gafny and myself, are heart and center of the book.

Making of Liebeslied Tel Aviv — thekidswantcommunism 2/12 interviews with Timothy Crosland, Carmel Market and Anna Pakosz, Midron Yaffo Park, Tel Aviv 2017 / Model SarahYotam by FriedrichDippmann © photography Ivonne Dippmann

Liebeslied Chemnitz – Tel Aviv with Yaniv Shapira and Benjamin Mecz, preview thekidswantcommunism, Tel Aviv 2017 © photography Ivonne Dippmann

Special thanks to Tomaso Baldessarini, Sharon Ester (Con Art Magazine), Tal Gafny, Goni Riskin and Joshua Simon who collaborated and provided thekidswantcommunism with a platform. You can follow this project on Insta and fb under #lltlvc #liebesliedtlvc #tkwc #thekidswantcommunism.

tmblr The Kids Want Communism, MoBY Museums

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