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09/13 Line Hallah FWM

Sep 26, 15:02 by Ivonne Dippmann

Schvirat ha-Kelim (heb. שבירת הכלים‚ Breaking of the vessels’)

Fabric Workshop and Museum Philadelphia USA
Hand printed fabrics, screen print and mono print on linen
Each piece is one of a kind, wash and iron inside out

Designed in collaboration with the Berlin Designer Kunji Baerwald

This line was published in the artist book “My Hostilities Are Distributed In A Justified Way” (dt.: Meine Feindseligkeiten Sind Gerechtfertigt Verteilt) at the publishing house Revolver Berlin, 2013.

The entire line can be seen HERE.

© Photography Daniel Reiter / Concept Marek Polewski Floor5, Berlin 2013

C – print, Edition of 5 / each motive
2 m x 1,40 m

Pantsuit, size 38/40, 1350 Euro
Monoprint 4 way repeat

Thank you: Ryan Parker, Christina Roberts, Carlos Avedano, Dante Lentz; FWM Philadelphia

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